Veracura is a new model, unique in the world.

We are a progressive social and environmental impact accelerator that, through innovation, business and marketing, acting as a form of activism, creates charitable projects and helps non-profits and large companies increase their positive impact.

One of our goals is to generate profit for projects dedicated to improving the condition of the planet and its inhabitants.

Veracura represents a group of people sensitive to social and environmental issues. Over the years, each of us has brought this concern into our own areas of research and work. Shared worldviews and mutual esteem unite them in their commitment to develop what they believe in: the common good.

Veracura Trust Onlus

We are an extremely agile, fast and globally connected non-profit organisation, acting to direct increasing shares of profit for social good and the planet, through forms of Business, Marketing and Innovation Activism.

Promoting the reduction of private profit in favour of common profit, to generate social prosperity and environmental protection, is the first of our goals.

In Veracura’s vision is the evolution of the Non-Profit dimension into Profit-for-People-and-Planet (PPP).

The planet and its inhabitants urgently need actively engaged and prepared people, organisations and companies that believe in this progressive vision.

Companies, among the main actors in the economic and social system, should therefore reconsider the concept of maximising profits if at the expense of the social and environmental contexts in which they operate.

Veracura was born precisely from this drive: the need to develop highly competitive, innovative and effective development models, capable of producing profit to be redistributed and invested in projects with a positive social and environmental impact.

We represent a group of people sensitive to social and environmental issues. Over the years, each of us has brought this attention to our own areas of research and work.

Shared worldviews and mutual esteem unite us in our commitment to develop what we believe in: the common good.

Among the founders, advisors and resources of Veracura many of us possess and share international experiences and networks of the highest entrepreneurial, managerial, academic and institutional profile.

Veracura is a cooperative think tank, an activism accelerator that develops its own projects and supports non-profit organisations and large corporations in devising initiatives to accelerate their social and environmental activism. The analytical, strategic and operational model is that of a Global Business and Marketing Innovation Company.

For large companies, especially multinational ones, we are a proactive partner for designing and implementing Progressive Brand Activism strategies and projects.

The broad spectrum of experience, skills and networks poured into Veracura place it among the companies of international excellence that first believed that the non-profit world needs innovation, strong experience, skills, strategic relationships and dedication.

If we moved away from the model based on private profit to practice one inspired by the prosperity of society as a whole and the preservation of the environment, the world would be a better place to live in.

With will, trust and hope,


Veracura was able to create a team based on the strong belief in a necessary shift of the paradigm of how we use one’s profession.  Generating impact is also a matter of competences and relations, not only conviction.

For this reason, our Squad members possess and share international experiences and networks of the highest entrepreneurial, managerial, academic and institutional profile.

First Line Squad

Andrea schiavoni

Founder & CEO

Diego Cortes

Co-founder & Verastar Founder and Director

Roberto Cisternino

Co-founder & CAO

Thomas Fabio Borrelli

Co-founder & Designer

Alessandro Viola Cortes


Paola Rangeri

Press Office Manager

Edgarda Malventano

Content Creator

Alessandro Federico Veca

Associate Art Director

Flaminia Carli

Copywriter and Creative

Marta Fava


Advisory Squad

Hu Lanbo

International Relations - China

Publisher, Journalist, Writer, Knight of the Italian Republic - Ordine della Stella d’Italia

Stefano Mentana

Media and Communication

Publisher, Journalist, Writer, Knight of the Italian Republic

Paolo Del Bene


Director AS Luiss, Lecturer, Founding Member of MECS

Raffaele Costantino


Music consultant, DJ, radio host

Paolo Petrocelli

Cultural Heritage

Head of Dubai Opera, Young Global Leader of World Economic Forum, Co-Founder and Honorary President of Italian Youth Association for UNESCO, Cultural and Performing Arts Leader, Academic, Author

Martina Rogato


Activist, Co-founder of Young Women Network e Human Rights International Corner, Founder of ESG Boutique, Women7 Co-Chair (G7 Italia)

Giovanni Corrado

International Relations - USA

Legal and Public Policy Consultant, UNF Youth Ambassador, Charity Grassroots Fundraising, Former White House Intern

Chiara Rosselli

Policy Innovation and Adaptive Leadership

Director of Mercator European Dialogue and Senior Program Officer for the German Marshall Fund in the USA

Luca Bazzoli

Social Entrepreneur

Ecosystem manager in Ashoka Italy, Founder of the Uno Ecosistemi platform, Senior Advisor on social entrepreneurship for impact investing funds and international foundations

Lorenzo D'Angelo

Independent Creative Director

Associate Creative Director for Saatchi & Saatchi Italy and Publicis Italy, former Director of Communication of Presidencia de la Naciòn Argentina

Paolo Iabichino


Advertising Writer and Creative Director. Founder of the Civic Brands Observatory with Ipsos Italy

Alessio Mazzalupi


Co-founder Cents and President Bocconi Students Fintech Society

Fabio Viola

Metaverse, Gaming e Gamification

Gamification expert, founder of TuoMuseo. Collaborates with Electronic Arts Mobile and Vivendi Games for Fifa, The Sims, Harry Potter. Lecturer, video game designer and game designer for Lucca Comics & Games.

Damiano Javier De Carlo

Brand Management

Brand Manager, Entrepreneur

Gaetano Maria Russo

Art Expert

Founder and President of the association Tramandars. He has created numerous projects for the redevelopment of the territory, such as the project AQUA with Vittorio Valiante, a work of public art wall to redevelop the former NATO base of Bagnoli in Naples.

Giovanni Negri

Art Expert

Journalist, lawyer, administrative officer for public companies, former councillor for Culture at the Municipality of Brusicano, director of Tramandars and editor at Atlante dell'Enciclopedia Treccani.

Renata Metastasio

Psychology of Marketing and Communication

Researcher of Sociology of Cultural Processes, President of the Communication and Marketing Psychology Course - Faculty of Medicine and Psychology - Sapienza - University of Rome

Luigi Filippo Ecuba

Media & Sport

Journalist, Business Executive and Advisor, former Brand & Media Content Director of FC International Milan and Director of Eurosport Italy, Spain, Portugal

Martino Cortese

Social Innovation

Social Entrepreneur, CEO Citybility SocietĂ  Benefit

Marco Onorato

Community Building & Management

Founder & Head of Content @Marketing Espresso, Social Media Consultant, Forbes Leader Digital

Chiara Schettino

Startupper and young student

Co-founder of Conthackto, Europe's first online hackathon platform for teenagers

Alessandro Strozzi

Public & International Relations Officer

Collaborator at Master Institutional Relations - LUISS Business School - Aspen Institute Junior Fellow

Rossella Bartolozzi

Organic Culture and Regenerative Agriculture

CFO of Probios, Founding Member of Fondazione Est Ovest, Board Member of Federbio and Executive Member of Toscana Bio

Alessandro Biraglia

Consumer Behaviour

Lecturer - Leeds University Business School, Consumer Behaviour and Global Marketing

Selena Tomei

Soft Skills

PhD in Social Psychology, AIF Trainer and Asnor Orientator, Founder SOS Skills

Vieri Del Panta

Statistics and Data Analytics

Professor of Statistics - Luiss, European University of Rome, Member of the Research Centre Robust Statistics Academy of Parma University, CEO of BeE Dynamic Statistics

Flavia Trupia

Rhetoric and Linguistics

Administrator of Per La Retorica, lecturer, author, speaker

Giorgio Guidi

Business Acceleration

Founder and CEO of THE HIVE Business Accelerator, Partner of SIDA Group, Member of the Board of Directors of the European PropTech Association - PropTech House

Simone Olivieri

Film Industry

Founder and Producer Settebello Road Productions, Production Manager for several international film productions

Fabio Di Gaetano

Digital Marketing

Co-founder and chairman of the board of Sandhills Italy, Ninja Academy lecturer, 24ore Business School lecturer, Argoserv

Paolo Di Pierdomenico

Digital Marketing

Co-founder & IT Manager Sandhills Italy

Alessio Azzopardi

Architecture and Business Development

AD Port Mobility SpA, Partner React Studio

Web3 & AI Squad​

Alessandro (Crypto Nomad)

COO & Co-founder Vera3

đť•Ź @xcryptonomad

Eleonora Brizi

NFT & Artist Relations

đť•Ź @eleonorabrizi

Diana (Panda) Deklerck

Community Coordinator

đť•Ź @D4P4ND4

Umberto Valleriani

Smart Contract

Edgarda Malventano

Content Manager

Hortencia Moura da Silva

Events Coordinator

đť•Ź @hortymouras

Luke Angell

BD manager

đť•Ź @Luke_Z_Angell

Alessandro Tombesi

UI/UX e Frontend

Giovanni Marini

Graphic Design

Alessio Malerba

Web3 Full Stack

Robbie Janicek

Ambassadors & Community

Mert Demirtok

Community Support

đť•Ź @CMonster54

Maria Magenes

Growth & Networking

đť•Ź @mariamagenes1



đť•Ź @sinomont

Luca Urbano

Strategic partner

Edoardo Freschi Diana

Legal & Fintech Expert



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The Squad is Veracura’s strength and soul. We are a pack of creative, dynamic and (slightly) rebellious people. We’re armed to the teeth with our best intentions and we put our skills to the service of the common good.


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Contact us

Veracura Trust Onlus

CF/PI: 15759161001 - Salita Monte del Gallo 21, Roma, 00165